Sunday, July 12, 2009

Family Reunion

One thing you learn (especially as you get older) is that family is your legacy...the importance of all those people you are related to is monumental.

We met family members (again) that we didn't realize we had this weekend. It was a chance to see where our family started and continues.

Looking at the faces of familiar traits was amazing. I could see my gramma in those faces and it was comforting. I really miss her and all those special times we spent together as I was growing up.

I want that same thing for Aiden, even though its hard to give up my time with him. I know how incredibly important it is that he be able to get the opportunity to create special memories with his grandparents as well.

I look forward to hearing the stories that Aiden tells of "that time with..." like my siblings and I do nowadays.

Family is the backbone of who we are and I cherish that very close to my heart. It's also has a lot to do with the way I'm molding my son.

To all our family member...we are so lucky to you have...even though we technically didn't have a choice :)

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